Child Support
Doral Child Support Attorney
Ensuring Fair Child Support Agreements in Florida
As a parent, your child’s well-being is your top priority. If you are in a divorce, child support is likely one of your main concerns. Child support is a legally binding financial obligation designed to help provide for your child’s basic needs, such as food, housing, and medical care.
At Ulloa Law, LLC, we have significant experience helping clients address their unique child support concerns. We understand that these issues can be emotionally and financially complicated. We work with you to create a personalized solution while helping you navigate the complex legal matters of family law, including custody, visitation, alimony, and child support.
Call Ulloa Law, LLC today at (305) 783-3097 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our child support attorney in Doral!
What is Child Support?
Child support is a legal obligation that parents have to financially contribute to the upbringing and well-being of their children, typically after a divorce or separation. This support is intended to cover various expenses, including but not limited to education, healthcare, housing, and other basic needs. In Florida, child support is governed by specific guidelines to ensure a fair and consistent approach.
How is Child Support Calculated in Florida?
In Florida, the court can order either parent to support a child financially. This is done to meet the child’s needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care. The court will determine the amount of child support based on Florida’s child support guidelines and include factors such as:
- The child’s health care costs
- The cost of education
- The cost of housing
- The amount of time the child spends with each parent
The Florida child support guidelines are based on the gross incomes of the parents and the number of children involved. The guidelines are used in all 50 counties in Florida so parents can know exactly what to expect.
Parents can agree on the amount of child support, but if they cannot, the matter will go before a judge. The court will consider factors such as the child’s financial needs and the parent’s ability to pay.
Parents should keep in mind that child support is not just for children’s needs but also for their legal interests. For example, if the child is involved in litigation, the court may order the paying parent to pay for a lawyer for the child. Parents with trouble making payments or have questions about their child support obligation should contact an experienced child support attorney, as amending payments is possible under certain circumstances.
What Age Do You Stop Paying Child Support?
Child support obligations in Florida typically continue until the child reaches the age of 18. However, certain circumstances may extend this period, such as if the child is still in high school and expected to graduate before turning 19. In cases where a child has special needs or disabilities, child support may be extended beyond the age of majority to ensure continued financial assistance.
It’s important to note that child support payments cease automatically once the court-ordered obligation period concludes. Ensuring compliance with the terms of your child support agreement is crucial to avoid legal complications. Ulloa Law, LLC is here to assist parents in understanding the specific terms of their child support arrangements and to address any concerns or modifications that may be necessary.
When parents do not pay their child support obligation, multiple enforcement procedures are available. These include being held in contempt of court, a lien being placed on the property, garnishing wages, revoking or suspending driver’s license, and even reporting unpaid parents to credit agencies.
Practice Areas
In Florida, parents are required to financially support their children. If you are going through a divorce, you may be concerned about your ability to meet your child’s financial needs. At Ulloa Law, LLC, our Doral child support attorneys can help you obtain the financial assistance your child deserves or amend existing agreements. We have over 20 years of experience handling various family law cases and are here to help you fight for your family’s goals.
Contact Our Doral Child Support Lawyer Today
Securing the financial support your child deserves is a critical aspect of post-divorce or separation life. At Ulloa Law, LLC, our team is committed to providing steadfast legal representation to parents in Doral seeking resolution in child support matters. Our expertise and client-focused approach ensure that your child’s best interests remain at the forefront throughout the legal process.
Contact Ulloa Law, LLC today to schedule a meeting with our child support lawyer in Doral!

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Contact Ulloa Law for a free consultation to discuss your legal concerns: (305) 783-3097.